Beauté Amis | [Official] Solaniwa Onsen OSAKA BAY TOWER

CosmeticsBeautē Amis


The boutique Beauté Amis sells natural and organic self-care items that are made in Japan.

This shop offers products that reflect Japanese traditional culture and incorporate plant-based ingredients carefully cultivated in various regions of Japan.

Store information

Operation Hours: 1:00pm-8:00pm
Closed days: Same as Solaniwa Onsen
Floor: 2F
TEL: 06-7670-5126(Solaniwa Onsen)

Entry fee to Solaniwa Onsen is not required.
General guests who do not use the Solaniwa Onsen are also welcome.

Brands available

Carefully selected brands from throughout the country

-YOAN (Tokyo)
-rosa rugosa (Hokkaido)
-RUHAKU (Okinawa)
-soel (Fukuoka)
-Fukumitsuya (Ishikawa)
-ethique (New Zealand)

Store features

Nearly all products may be tried!

Testers are provided for nearly all of the roughly 70 products in the lineup, so you can try them on the spot. Beauty drinks that are perfect after a hot bath and other rare and hard-to-find items are also available.
The salon also offers cute wrapping bags recommended for small gifts.